May 20 2020

The NJ DOH is continually making recommendations regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. (more details)

To help Healthcare Facilities (HCFs) document and assess Healthcare personnel (HCP) risk and exposure, NJDOH has developed a series of tools and checklists.

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We are prepared and ready to help.

ASC LOGS , a healthcare compliance management e-solutions presents digital tools for evaluating HCPs for possible COVID-19 exposure/ infection. Questionnaires based on NJ DOH protocols help identify and stratify HCPs at risk. Continual monitoring allows for tracking incidence and contact tracing thus limiting spread and changing the slope of infection curve.

ASC LOGS provides a cloud-based suite of customizable digitized logs for documenting organizational regulatory compliance. Our user-friendly, adaptable log creation platform helps with all aspects of ASC compliance - medication management, contract management, supplies management, policies/procedures management, device management and Life safety/facility Logs. Simple to use, affordable and smart with in-built Alerts & Reminders!.

To see a demo on how ASC LOGS can help your facility stay on track for accreditation, track your HCPs for possible COVID-19 exposure/infection and more click the link below.

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